Here at Nineveh Ridge Care Farm we offer a variety of activities. Be it Indoor or outdoor, we offer something for everyone
Animal Care
Users learn self-care through animal care. Understanding animals' basic needs—food, water, exercise, cleanliness, and affection—helps users identify their own needs. Nurturing animals boosts their self-worth. Animals foster positive interpersonal skills, facilitating interaction and overcoming social obstacles. Comparing animals' preferences promotes healthy engagement and rebuilding trust in relationships.
Gardening and Horticulture
Join our inclusive garden space! It’s perfect for small horticultural activities like planting, growing, weeding, and watering. Our chemical-free field veg patch yields delicious vegetables. Clients can participate from seed to harvest, even cooking and sampling their creations with our own fresh produce and healthy recipes. Get hands-on and taste the goodness!
The Small Animal House
‘Interserve Construction’ kindly funded the building of a small animal petting shed: which houses our Guinea pigs. This enables even our most disabled clients to help with animal tasks, and to benefit from the experience of touching and holding small animals. Everyone seems to enjoy cuddling Guinea pigs!
From bench and stool making to photo frames and plant troughs, there is always a project on the go. The wood shed is also the farm maintenance headquarters. Griff and Kev keep service users of all abilities busy. Whether it's building a new duck house, or sanding down components to a bird house. There's something for everyone.
Pony Work
We have two Shetland ponies at Nineveh. They have been with us a long time and ‘know the ropes’: They have a short walk every day on leads, but more importantly, they will stand quietly and enjoy being groomed forever!
We have the wonderful Sean, our music man, who brings music into every day. As much as possible, we try to end each day with a little music and song. We have a wide variety of percussion instruments (funded by Worcestershire Children’s Services), drums, guitars and a piano. We also hold musical evenings whenever possible for the clients to participate in.
Farm Animals
The farm has a herd of cattle, goats, ponies, ducks and hens. All of these animals require food, water, and cleaning out. The staff do their best to involve everybody in this at some level, as most clients love the livestock (particularly when the weather’s good). Some people just like to sit and watch and maybe stroke a goat!
The Arts and Craft room
Crafting central! Our bright, cheerful room buzzes with creativity. From paper mache animals to totem poles and more, we craft it all. We use recycled materials and offer team and individual projects. Everyone, including those with limited participation, enjoys the atmosphere. Wheelchair accessible too! Let's get crafty!